
SSU Global Communication Div. News ~Vol.3~
※English is followed by Japanese (本ブログは英語も併記しております)









「人気のスポーツ!?もちろん!サッカーだよ。(出場できなかった)W杯のことは触れないでほしいけど(苦笑)」だそうですが、彼の個人的な意見によると、オリンピック競技の中だと団体競技は水球、個人競技はフェンシングが人気なのだとか。ちなみに選手でいうと、水泳のFederica Pellegriniさんが人気。女子200m自由形の世界記録保持者だそうです。

※リオオリンピック時のイタリアチーム 選手一覧より




藤岡 裕美子(Yumiko FUJIOKA)



それではまた!See you next time!



Hi, there!
This is Yumiko FUJIOKA from the Global Communication Division.

This division was created in the summer of 2018.
Our mission is to create a “FUN BUZZ” inside and outside of Japan wherever large-scale global events are held.

The members of the Global Communication (GC) Division are not only English speakers, we also have an avid curiosity and strong characters.
*I’ve been told that we’re referred to as “the UNIQUE division” within the company.

Today, let me share one of our activities.

■We recently worked with an Italian gentleman (We’ll refer to him as “Mr. Italiano”)

When you hear the word “Italy”, what kind of images come to mind?

For me personally, I think of “pasta”, ”football”, ”passionate Italian men”, but in order to learn more about Italy, I googled it.

I found generic information that most of us are aware of – the capital city is Rome, population is about 60 million, with a total area of 301,000 square km. According to the MOFA web site, Italy has the most World Heritage site in the world.

Makes me want to be in Italy…

The gentleman we recently worked with is a member of an Italian sports team, so I asked him what sports are popular in Italy. He said “Popular sports? Of course, it’s football! But in my opinion, water polo and fencing are also quite popular.”

According to him, a swimmer named Ms. Federica Pellegrini is one of the most popular athletes in Italy. * She holds the world record for 200m free-style

■Proud of the badge he received from the President

I was curious about the badge he was wearing – small and understated but he wore it proudly – and ask him about it. He began passionately telling the tale of how it had been presented to him by the Italian President for his work and contribution. It was very passionate, 20-minute presentation.

I was pleased to see how animated he was in response to a simple question!

■What we learn by working with people from different countries.

Mr. Italiano is very Italian, showering kisses and hugs as well as compliments every time he encounters a woman. Jetlag didn’t seem to slow him down at all, and he left Japan with as much energy as he when he arrived. I confirmed my preconception that “Italian men are passionate”. It also made me realize that in Japan, especially in business, it is our custom to respect harmony and personal space.

It’s not an issue of right and wrong, or good or bad. Interacting with people from other countries makes us realize many things which we might otherwise not notice.

■About the writer

Let me introduce myself!

I started my career as a cabin attendant for International flights. I was then involved in various roles including brand communication and management at “ZARA HOME”, a member of the INDITEX group when it launched the flagship store in Japan. Next, I was the PR representative for a “sake” company which has a history of more than 350 years before joining Sunny Side Up in 2016 to further my PR and communication skills. My background and experience in a variety of fields is highlighted by my language skills which include English and French.

All the members of the Global Communication Division will continue our efforts to maximize the fun and buzz for our clients!

I will introduce other activities and members in the next blog.
See you next time!

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