
SSU Global Communication Div. News ~Vol.2~
※English is followed by Japanese (本ブログは英語も併記しております)
Hello, there! How are you?グローバルコミュニケーション部の藤岡です。
世界最大級の総合イベント会社 GLイベンツ社との共同事業提携に合意 ~グローバルイベントの開発・運営からPRまでをフルパッケージで提供~
GLイベンツ社は、1978 年の創立以来、世界各国の大規模イベントの企画開発・施工・イベント運営などで多数実績を保有する、 “世界的ビッグイベントの立役者”として、世界でも類を見ない総合イベント会社。メンバーが本社に到着したとき、ちょうど全面ガラス貼りの光り輝く本社を朝日が照らし出し、一日の始まりを華やかに演出していました!
本社をご案内いただいた後は、GLイベンツが得意とするイベント会場の施工や運営の例として、近接したラグビー用スタジアムMatmut Studium(マットムット スタジアム)を視察。数億円を投資し、66年間という長期に及ぶ運営権を市から委託されています。
Hello, again! This is Yumiko FUJIOKA from the Global Communication Division.
SSU announced our partnership with GL events, one of the world’s largest events company, in March 2018.
SUNNY SIDE UP Launches Partnership with GL events, One of the World’s Largest Events Companies
Today, I will share the tour report from some of our members who visited GL events’ headquarters during their trip to France.GL events headquarters is located in Lyon, France. It takes approximately 2 hours on the TGV from Paris and is the second largest city in France.
Since GL events was founded in 1978, it has been involved in the planning, development, construction and management of large-scale events around the globe.
The headquarters building is covered with glass and is very shiny.
Inside the building, a well-lighted stairwell with an impact of red which is their brand color.There are approximately 2,000 staff working in this office.
*On the day of our visit, it was a French national holiday and very few people were there.
The staff lounge is very simple but stylish – very spacious and different from what we would see in Japan.
This is the roof-top terrace. It has a great view and is often used for receptions and internal parties as well.
We then visited the Matmut stadium which shows a good example of GL events’ skills in planning, development, construction and management of large-scale event venues.
GL invested more than several hundred million euros, and manages and operates the venue on behalf of the city of Lyon.
GL events was responsible for constructing the stadium, as well as some temporary tents for parties, ceremonies and other events for players, families and sponsors.
The quality of these structures is very high, and you may not believe they are “temporary”!
And of course, their stock yard was really huge! They control all the building materials to be delivered globally.All materials are to be shipped in this container…
During this inspection tour, we observed first hand GL’s unsurpassable skill for the development, construction and management of large-scale events and venues.
We strongly believe that there will be infinite possibilities to “Let’s Have Fun” by combining GL’s skills and SSU’s knowledge among an industry.
All the members of the Global Communication Division will continue our efforts to maximize the fun and buzz for our clients.
I will introduce our members in the next blog. See you next time!