Your unique “individuality” will become a strength to this company! President talks about wise integration|Part 2

Continuing from the previous issue, this is the second part of an interview with Mr. Miyazawa, President of wise integration co., ltd. (One of the group companies of SUNNY SIDE UP GROUP Inc.)
In this interview, Miyazawa gives his impressions of the members of wise integration and the company’s future prospects, so we hope you enjoy reading the interview to the end.
▼Click here to read the first part
Your unique “individuality” will become a strength to this company! President talks about wise integration.
[Member Introduction]
Miyazawa Takeomi, President and Representative Director of wise integrationco., ltd
■ What is one Impressive moment you have experienced?
Impressive moment, yes…I have cried with joy (laugh)…when the application teaching material “sovigo (※1),” that we developed as part of our education business to make programming a fun experience, was introduced in elementary schools nationwide and the number of licenses exceeded to over 100,000. I was so happy that I cried when we were able to realize that “sovigo” was downloaded in many tablets that children took to school, since we were all working towards that goal. We partnered with many universities, and gave programming lectures to school teachers, and were actually able to see the children’s reactions. I was able to experience the joy of creating a single business, doing research, and taking on challenges with my colleagues once again.
(※1) sovigo
Developed under the slogan “Create the future with a playful spirit!” sovigo is a programming material created to stimulate children’s flexible imagination and help support children learn the essence of programming while having fun.
▼Click here to see past articles of sovigo SUNNY DAYS have written about.
wise integration’s Educational IT Business “sovigo” Launched! ~Programming Experience to Create the Future with Playful Mind!
Programming Learning at Elementary Schools! ~wise integration “sovigo” Project
■What is the company culture like? and how are the personalities of the members of wise integration?
The members of wise integration are all positive and unique. When I look at everyone at Wise, I feel that if I entrust the work to this person, the work will be changed to make the most of his or her personality. So, I believe that the “personality” and “wise’s character” is what is unique to our company, which other companies do not have.
Everyone has their own ideas, so when they come to ask me about something, they first tell me their own ideas and then ask me questions. They think for themselves and create their own work with their own “personality,” and that is the strong point of the current wise members. Clients also want to work with such members, and often refer us to them saying, “wise integration comes up with many unique ideas and plans.
■Future Prospects
I would like to increase the value of wise’s three core businesses (Promotion/Product Development/Human Resources) as marketing solutions through synergy with the companies of theSUNNY SIDE UP GROUP. Over the past few years, we have achieved good results in solving communication issues through PR, promotion, and influencer marketing, and I feel that the connection and trust among the group companies is getting stronger! I would like to further demonstrate our ability to seamlessly realize not only “changing the consciousness” of consumers, but also “encouraging experiences and sharing.
And the challenge we started in 2022 is the brand commerce business (D2C/platform model).
I created the brand with an influencer who was a charismatic clerk at a vintage clothing store in Harajuku in order to create a culture of enjoying fashion that incorporates vintage clothing (reuse) rather than just buying clothes. The apparel industry is facing a major problem of mass production and mass disposal. Therefore, we want to create a world in which clothes that are not worn, that are sleeping, or that are thrown away can be “recycled”. However, we understand that there are some people who feel it is difficult to incorporate secondhand clothing into their daily lives, so we have created “More BaGGy” (*2), in which we use influencers to show how to dress in secondhand clothing. At wise, we have gathered together a group of people who are interested in “circulating” used clothing in order to further expand the used clothing market.
Ideally, we would like to be able to generate revenue through a new business model once every three years! There is a synergy between those who have been involved in the work up to now and those who are taking on the challenge of new work, so we are able to influence each other to complete the work that is unique to wise, and that is very enjoyable.
▼ (*2)More BaGGy
A street fashion and vintage clothing select brand directed by Mr. KING, who became an influencer as a vintage clothing store employee.Mr. KING himself selects and coordinates several pieces of vintage clothing for sale every week!
A fashion and miscellaneous goods brand that offers a pop and artistic collection with artist KASEKI CIDERas its art director.
The T-shirt worn above was a surprise gift from Miyazawa, who said, “I finished the Imperial Palace run! Miyazawa gave me this T-shirt as a surprise. (I was so happy that I wore it to work after the interview (laughs).)
It is available on the official website of ©CIDER PRODUCTS, so please check it out!
How was your interview with Mr. Miyazawa, President of wise integration this time? Perhaps your “personality” will be the catalyst for the future business of wise integration. If you are at all interested, we look forward to hearing from you!
wise integration’s official website:
Click here for wise integration’s recruiting page