~Here we are! Global Communication Div.!!~“たのしいさわぎ”は国境を越える!新設「グローバルコミュニケーション部」のご紹介

※English is followed by Japanese (本ブログは英語も併記しております)
世界最大級の総合イベント会社 GLイベンツ社との共同事業提携に合意 ~グローバルイベントの開発・運営からPRまでをフルパッケージで提供~
GLイベンツ社はフランス・リオンに本社を置き、世界の1978 年の創立以来、世界各国の大規模イベントの企画開発・施工・イベント運営などで多数実績を持ち、 “世界的ビッグイベントの立役者”として世界でも類を見ない総合イベント会社。
~Here we are! Global Communication Div.!!~
“FUN BUZZ” is now beyond the border!
Nice to meet you virtually!This is Yumiko FUJIOKA from Global Communication Division.Whoever thought, “Wait!? GLOBAL COMMUNICATION of SSU?” you are correct! Actually, this Div. was just born this summer.Our mission is to create a “FUN BUZZ” inside-outside of Japan where the global big events are going to be held in the coming years.
The members of Global Communication (GC) Div. are not only English speakers but are very curious and unique.*I’ve heard that we are called 【a group of “UNIQUE”】 in-side of SSU.Let me make a quick introduction of ourselves.
■Our largest mission “Partnership with GL Events”
We, Sunny Side Up, announced the partnership with GL Events which is one of the largest event company on March 2018.
SUNNY SIDE UP Launches Partnership with GL events, One of the World’s Largest Events Companies
GL Events is a firm that provides integrated solutions and services for a variety of worldwide events. Ever since the company was founded in 1978, it has been involved in the planning, development, construction and management of large-scale events around the globe.
By combining GL Events’ expertise in creative & strategic content for brand activation, planning, development, construction, and management with SUNNY SIDE UP’s PR marketing capability in a wide array of fields, the partnership will be able to provide the complete package – from development and management to global event PR – and will be fully capable of meeting global-scale needs…This is what Global Communication Div. can offer!
■Towards 2020 and beyond, Japan itself will become an enormous media
The huge business opportunity that 2020 represents goes far beyond a mere sports festival. 2020 will be the year when Japan becomes the center of attention: the entire nation will become an enormous medium for tourism-oriented countries as well as for global companies around the world. Outside of the field of sports, many countries and companies will come to Japan to set up country houses, pavilions and other establishments to promote their appeal, turning Japan, in a sense, into a showcase for the world.
The Olympic game is coming to our town!! And for me, this is a life time challenge to create new communication business!We, GC, are in 6. Each member has different background and we are all very excited to meet you in-person in the future.
Well, we just departed to create a FUN BUZZ which to go beyond the border. I will keep posting on SSU blog regularly to introduce ourselves. See you soon!