
日本のスポーツ界は、新型コロナウイルス感染症拡大の影響で無観客、人数制限下での試合開催が余儀なくされました。好きなチームの応援が満足にできない、大勢が集まる場所への不安など、思うように楽しめないスポーツファンもたくさんいたでしょう。最近では、コロナ関連の規制が緩和されつつあり、ファンが熱狂するスポーツの復活に明るい兆しがみえ始めています。そんななか開催されたのがが世界最高峰のプロバスケットボールリーグNBAによる「NBA Japan Games 2022 Presented by Rakuten & NISSAN」。
世界最高峰の選手が躍動した「NBA Japan Games」とは…
「NBA Japan Games」は、もともと日本で開催されるNBA の試合として、1990年から2003年にかけて、さいたま、東京、横浜でレギュラーシーズン・ゲームの12 試合が開催されていました。2019 年に16年ぶりに日本でヒューストン・ロケッツとトロント・ラプターズのプレシーズンマッチが行われました。そして経つこと3年。2022年9月30日(金)と10月2日(日)にさいたまスーパーアリーナにて「NBA Japan Games 2022 Presented by Rakuten & NISSAN」が開催されました。また、10月1日(土)には、NBAの世界観や文化が体験できるファンイベント「NBA Japan Games Saturday Night 2022 Presented by Rakuten & NISSAN」を実施。今回は、昨シーズンNBAチャンピオンに輝いたゴールデンステート・ウォリアーズと日本人選手として初めてNBAドラフト一巡目指名を受けたNBAプレイヤー八村塁選手が所属するワシントン・ウィザーズが来日。3日間ともチケットは完売し、合計6万人以上のファンが駆けつけました。

年間サポートをする中で、今回の「NBA Japan Games」については、大会前後の各イベントから試合本番までのメディア誘致、取材調整、事後のフォローアップなどメディアとのコミュニケーション全体をサニーサイドアップで統括しました。
アメリカを拠点とするNBAということもあり、Japan Gamesには、海外メディアを含む約300名の報道陣が集まりました。現場は、英語、日本語のコミュニケーションが飛び交い、世界を代表するエンターテインメントならではの緊張感が漂いました。

NBAプレイヤーとして初凱旋したワシントン・ウィザーズの八村塁選手(Provided by Rakuten Group)

『NBA Japan Games 2022』をイメージして書き下ろした新曲「Frontier」を披露したゆず(Provided by Rakuten Group)
今回のNBA Japan Gamesは、プレシーズンマッチの開催となりましたが、NBAプレイヤーによる超人的なプレーやファンを楽しませるファンアクティビティなどNBAという世界最高峰のエンターテインメントは確実に日本ファンの心を掴んだことでしょう。
(EN)NBA Fans Gather! Report on the NBA Japan Games, Held for the First Time in Three Years!
The triumphant return of a Japanese athlete, the previous season’s champion visiting Japan, and the first time in three years that the Games were held in Japan
Introducing the appeal of a premier sport and entertainment event, which was full of highlights.
Hello. My name is Ninomiya, from the Sports Department of the Public Relations Division 3 Bureau.
Do you know about the sporting event that was held at the end of September to early October which brought a lot of excitement to Japan?
Japanese sports were forced to hold games with no or limited spectators due to the pandemic. As a result, many sport fans were not able to enjoy their favorite sports because they couldn’t cheer on their favorite teams or were anxious about a lot of people gathering in one location. With restrictions around COVID being lifted, there are indications that the passion for sport is returning. The NBA Japan Games 2022 Presented by Rakuten & NISSAN, an event from the world’s premier professional basketball league, was a prime example.
What is the “NBA Japan Games,” which involves some of the world’s best players?
Between 1990 to 2003, the NBA staged 12 regular-season games in Japan in Saitama, Tokyo, and Yokohama. In 2019, the first NBA game was held in Japan after 16 years, a pair of preseason games between the Houston Rockets and the Toronto Raptors. Three years later, the NBA Japan Games 2022 Presented by Rakuten & NISSAAN were held at the Saitama Super Arena on September 30 (Friday) and October 2 (Sunday), 2022. On Saturday, October 1, “NBA Japan Games Saturday Night 2022 Presented by Rakuten & NISSAN” was held as a fan event to experience the NBA’s world view and culture. This year, the Golden State Warriors, last season’s NBA Champions, and the Washington Wizards, home to the first Japanese player to be selected in the first round of the NBA draft, Rui Hachimura, came to Japan.

Saitama Super Arena, where a total of more than 60,000 spectators came for the three day event.
Sunny Side Up provides PR support for NBA throughout the year
We support the NBA, the world’s most prestigious basketball league, to expand recognition and increase its fan base in Japan through a comprehensive combination of tactics and strategies to address all areas of communication.
As part of our activities, Sunny Side Up was responsible for media communication for the NBA Japan Games, from pre- and post-game events to the actual games, including securing media participation, coordination of coverage, and post-game follow-up.
The NBA Japan Games attracted approximately 300 members of the press, including international media. On site, communication was in English and Japanese, and there was a sense of excitement and anticipation typical of world-class entertainment.
Sports and Entertainment that appealed to Japanese fans

Rui Hachimura of the Washington Wizards, coming to Japan for the first time as an NBA player(Provided by Rakuten Group)
The 2022 NBA Champion Golden State Warriors won both games in a convincing fashion. The Golden State Warriors’ two-time NBA Most Valuable Player award winner Steph Curry and five-time NBA All-Star Klay Thompson were a hit with the Japanese fans. Meanwhile, their opponent, the Washington Wizards, were delighted with a double-double by Rui Hachimura, the first Japanese player to be selected in the first round of the NBA Draft, with 11 points and 10 rebounds (double figures in scoring, rebounding, assists, steals, or blocked shots in a single game) in the second game held on October 2. The crowd erupted at the exciting performance of the players.
In addition to exciting programs such as the Slam Dunk Contest featuring world-class professional dunkers, the Shooting Stars Challenge and 3-point contest featuring NBA players, there was also a special live performance by popular artist Yuzu, who celebrated their 25th anniversary this year.

Yuzu performed “Frontier,” a new song written with “NBA Japan Games 2022” in mind.(Provided by Rakuten Group)
Although the NBA Japan Games features pre-season games, the world’s greatest entertainment, the NBA, with its superhuman performances by NBA players and fan-activities, certainly captured the hearts of Japanese fans.
The 2022-23 season began in mid-October, and interest in the NBA is growing along with the success of Rui Hachimura (Washington Wizards) and Yuta Watanabe (Brooklyn Nets). As the season continues, we encourage you to follow the dynamic play of NBA players as well and the success of the Japanese players in particular!
Comment from the SSU team
We were able to get great coverage by the media by working closely together as a team for this large-scale sporting event that attracts attention from all over the world, not just Japan. We were always mindful of how to communicate the appeal of the NBA, an international entity, to secure interest among the media in Japan. Our goal is to continue our efforts to increase NBA fans in Japan!