A digital world war fought with “spirit bomb of support!” The true identity of the manga “USAGITOSORA” created by Scramble Inc.

Nice to meet you, I am Hiroyuki Yodose, the President of Scramble Inc.
The origin of the name Hisashi Mitsui of Slam Dunk is from a sake “Mitsui no Kotobuki” produced by Inoue Partnership Company in Otoarai-cho, Fukuoka Prefecture, but…
Today is not the right time to talk about him haha
(Everyone will be confused right?)
So getting back on track,
This time, we are excited to talk about our new project “USAGITOSORA” with the theme of “A digital world war fought with ‘spirit bomb of support.’”
This spiritual fantasy battle manga is produced by Scramble Inc.
▽Let me explain about this manga “USAGITOSORA.”
I have been working on the manga “USAGITOSORA” with great care. After repeating “twists” and “turns” 108 times, I was so tired that I thought the gravity was going to pull my head off. But finally, on March 19th, the serialization started on e-books and official social media! Finally, we are able to deliver this to you!
(I have people around me, so I will cheer in my mind)
[Brief commercial break]
■Ttile: Manga “USAGITOSORA”
(©Santeikaro・UKA / SCRAMBLE INC.)
Official Website:https://lit.link/usagitosora
Apple Books | Comic Cmoa | Ameba Manga |
DMM Books | FOD | Renta! | Kinokuniya Bookstore Kinoppy | and other distribution
■All episodes are now available for free on official social media.
TikTok | YouTube | Instagram
【Account Name】
Santeika・UKA / Manga “Usagi to Sora”
Please Like and Follow the accounts!
・TikTok http://www.tiktok.com/@santeikaro_uka
・YouTube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVFA5ST8sWScivrWMImsL4A
・Instagram https://www.instagram.com/santeikaro_uka/
If you haven’t seen the manga trailer yet, please click here to watch it!
Of course, “creating a manga” is not easy at all.
At first, there were so many things that didn’t go well and I struggled a lot.
Why did I start out when no one asked me to create a manga?
How did I overcome the difficulties and continue to take on new challenges?
I’d like to share with you a few tactics that may be useful in the world of marketing and business.
▽Why do we need “Dream,” “Hope,” and “Courage” now?
I would like to tell you all about my ulterior motives, without wrapping them up.
This manga, “USAGITOSORA” have motives of
“To own an original IP and create new business opportunities.”
“To become an IP that can be expanded non-verbally around the world.”
“To change from the world of competition to a world of co-creation, and getting people out of the rat race.”
But on the other hand, the present day has become a world difficult to talk about dreams and hopes. That is why I want to share this message “If you have the courage to face any difficulty, you can overcome it and your wishes will come true,” through my manga. I believe this is a truly important role that I have, and I wish to reach as many people as possible.
The fact that I am now blessed with the opportunity to do this is amazing.
I thank the members of the company and all of our supporters that helped me get to where I am today.
I want to share what worked and what didn’t work for me throughout the process.
I hope it will be useful in designing your business or marketing.
(Exposing everything about me will be embarrassing but I hope you enjoy lol)
▽“The era of “Creating” and “Delivering”
I have given you my honest feelings.
Then all you want to know more is how to get on a winning streak!!
(I feel so energetic suddenly!)
As you all know, today, it is essential not only to “Create” but also to “Deliver.”
Which means that “Creating” is not the end at all, but only the beginning. The curtain finally opens when the story is delivered…
That’s why we need to properly design every step until we can “deliver.”
In order to do this, first we need to question and break the “rules and theories” that have been established by the leading figures in the manga publishing industry.
(I feel like a rebel saying this..)
■Rules and Theories for Winning ①: Change the frequency of contact from once a week to every day
Weekly Manga magazine offers its work to readers once a week.
But nowadays, you can quickly move onto other contents before the next work is published.
Manga “USAGITOSORA” offers work every day on SNS.
■Rules and Theories for Winning ②:Not fighting on the same ground of 19p as the greats
We do not compete in the same ground of 19 pages (about 95 frames) every time. The amount of work provided for 19 pages can only be accomplished by popular authors who are overwhelmingly good at it.
(I will never be able to beat Rumiko Takahashi, Manga artist, in the battle of 19 pages)
The manga “USAGITOSORA” is a single vertical image without daring to divide the panels.
■Rules and Theories for Winning ③: Bringing the battle ground to the world of SNS
Even large corporations and major publishers aren’t good at managing social networking sites. Scramble has a proven track record of growing numerous YouTube and Instagram, so that is why we are bringing the battle ground to social media.
■Rules and Theories for Winning ④: Evaluation axis from survey postcards to SNS data
People are still utilizing the black box data of postcards to evaluate works.
We only use openly available data such as “likes,” “plays,” and “comments” on social media.
■Rules and Theories for Winning ⑤: Increasing population and affluent population in Southeast Asia andits low ad cost
Growing affluent population and population in Southeast Asia, especially in Vietnam.
TikTok’s advertising cost is about 1/10 of Japan’s, so utilize this chance.
■Rules and Theories for Winning ⑥:AI enables immediate automatic translation for overseas markets
A startup from Tokyo University recently announced an instant translation tool. The day is coming soon when we will be able to cross the language barrier as easily as breathing…
By reviewing the rules and theories that have been taken for granted, and by shifting the “meaning” and “position” of the game, we can fight against big players.
The resolution of the winning strategy in the manga “USAGITOSORA” will keep improving!
▽The Meaning of “Bringing Manga to the World from SNS”
When “Delivering”, the most important thing is to keep the “support” going.
This is really not an exaggeration or anything anymore. Like Goku collecting Spirit Bomb (Genki-dama) in the manga “Dragon Ball!”
(Akira Toriyama, the Manga artist, is such a genius)
I truly believe that I cannot fight in this world without support from many people. I will continue to do my best to “Create” and “Deliver” my works to the world through social media so please help me with the support.
Through the creation of this work, I strongly felt that there are no “shortcuts” or “detours” in life, and that the only thing we have is “this moment right now” at any given time. There is so much meaning and value in really tackling each moment. I was reminded once again that there is so much meaning and value in every second of my life.
That’s all from me!
Oh, and by the way, the alcohol percentage of the sake “Mitsui no Kotobuki,” is the same number 14 as Hisashi Mitsui’s jersey number!
I wish you all a wonderful day today!
We look forward to seeing you again at the next SUNNY DAYS!