Not Just PR? Introducing SUNNY SIDE UP’s “Merchandising”, from Happy-Kuji to a Wide Range of Domestic and International Projects!

What do you think of when you hear “SUNNY SIDE UP?”
PR, sports, sunny-side-up eggs, a fun atmosphere, etc… While all of these are correct, did you know that we’re also into “merchandising?”
I really want people to know more about the lesser-known “merchandising” section of SSU! So, we had Sakai—who appeared before in “Why I Joined SUNNY SIDE UP Vol.9” and became a leader this July—share all about its charm with us!
▼The First Year as a New Grad was “Emotional?” Three Peers Now in Their Third Year Share Their Stories | Why I Joined SUNNY SIDE UP Vol.9
【Member Introduction】
Public Relations Div.6, Group 2 Leader
Koichiro Sakai
What does “merchandising” mean at SUNNY SIDE UP?
It’s not just about making things, but about coming up with plans using content. The things we create lead to “Happy-Kuji(raffle),” product planning for online shops, and event exhibitions, so we see merchandising not as an end but as a means.
We’re lucky that publishers often ask us to work on projects, but we don’t just wait for them to come to us. We’re always coming up with fun ideas to suggest, like when a new movie is about to come out, we might say, “Hey, we’ve got this cool idea!”
About the Department that Engages in “Merchandising”
Previously, our merchandising team was part of a division, but from this July, we’ve become our own division. We have a division head and two groups under them, each with a leader and team members. But even if we’re in different groups, we all work together on projects and help each other out, so it’s a really collaborative place.
Of course, we each have our own areas of expertise, but what’s unique about us is that everyone gets involved in making plans and communicating with our partners overseas. We don’t have specific job roles.
Our team includes both recent graduates and experienced professionals, so our backgrounds are diverse. We have members who have worked in manufacturing, production, and even fashion, so we bring all those different skills and viewpoints into our project planning.
And if we think it’s needed, we can also reach out to the media. As I mentioned before, we’re not limited to specific tasks, so if you want, you can gain experience beyond just creating things.
As for the team atmosphere, we all get along and work in a lively environment. We also regularly go out for lunch together! It’s also easy to speak up, no matter if you’re a boss or a junior, so it’s an especially good fit for those who have an exact idea of what they want to do.

Photo of everyone on the way home from BBQ
What are the Strengths of SUNNY SIDE UP’s “Merchandising”
It might be our flexible approach to planning. Normally, ideas that seem like they might be rejected at the internal proposal stage might actually make it through here at SSU. We have a culture of crafting the plan first and then pitching it to the client to see how it lands. Even our bosses are like, “It sounds interesting, so let’s just propose it and see what happens” haha.
We often come up with plans by finding common ground between different types of contents, so there have been proposals that didn’t work out, but there have also been unexpected ‘yes’ responses. Having an environment where “planning comes first” is definitely a big advantage.
Actually, we sometimes get project requests from clients who find the work we’re involved in interesting. Being recognized for having a distinct SSU style of planning is, I believe, a unique strength that sets us apart from others.
Another strength is our ability to create plans that leverage the company’s wide range of relationships. Even if I don’t have the connections myself, it’s common to get introduced by other members within the company. It’s really valuable that each member has a wealth of relationships, and being able to use that to develop a wide variety of plans is something unique to our company.
Primary Responsibilities
In addition to “Happy-Kuji,” I also work on new proposals. With “Happy-Kuji,” depending on the scale, some projects might take more than half a year, so I make new proposals in between. For new proposals, I often go to stores like Animate, Village Vanguard, and Loft for research, and then I combine what’s trending in the world to come up with plans. Even contents that seem completely unrelated can have something in common when you look closely. I want to find those connections and create unique plans that only we can do, both domestically and internationally.
I started leading the team in July, but honestly I’m still learning. One big personal change is that I now pay attention to our whole department’s sales figures. Instead of just focusing on my tasks, I keep an eye on what our group is doing and how we’re all doing together, which is different from when I was just part of the team.
What Makes This Work Fulfilling
I feel really good about what we do when I see people talking about our work on social media or when they share their thoughts with us directly.
Also, on a personal note, it was really special for me to participate in Tokyo Comic Convention as an exhibitor, which I used to attend as a fan. And it was even more meaningful because a friend who used to go with me was there as an exhibitor too.
For me, the fact that I can turn what I love into my job is what makes this work so rewarding.
The Challenges of This Job
There’s the challenge of not knowing what will sell until you try. Even if we believe in our product, that doesn’t always mean it will lead to sales. That’s why thorough research is crucial. We always need to gather information on what’s currently selling well, and consider whether a trending content will still be marketable when turned into a product. That’s why visiting pop-up shops to get a real sense of the market is important. Seeing whether products are actually selling and whether customers are showing up can provide solid evidence for proposing ideas to clients. So, it’s really important to do our research before making proposals.
Another challenge is that if you wait until something is trending to start planning, it can often be too late. You have to keep your antenna up for what might become popular next. Regardless of whether we decide to turn it into a product, we check out everything that’s trending. There’s always a reason behind the trends, and if we can catch any patterns, they could hint at future plans.
Future Goals
Personally, I want to do more with combining experiences and “merchandising”. You know how you might buy merchandise after watching a movie or visiting an exhibition? I want to go beyond just selling products, and create something that’s part of a bigger experience.
I’ve always liked events, but participating in Tokyo Comic Convention really showed me the powerful impact you can have when you merge live experiences with goods.
Also, since SUNNY SIDE UP GROUP is involved in a wide range of projects, I’d like to collaborate more with other divisions that focus primarily on PR. For example, creating novelties, combining content for new creations, or consulting about the connection for content needed at events. It doesn’t have to be limited to intellectual properties—we could work with sports, animals, food and beverage as well! I’d love to work together in any context of “merchandising”. I also hope that clients who come to us for PR will start to ask us to handle their merchandising needs as well.
Message from the Division Manager
SSU handles a lot of merchandise aimed at consumers. Above all, we’re looking forward to entries from those who enjoy planning and creating. Come join us!!
I hope you’ve gotten a sense of the passion for “merchandising” we have, which is one of SSU’s strengths. If you’re even a little bit interested, we look forward to your application!